Things to know about stress incontinence treatment

Stress incontinence is a medical term we use to refer to the condition where a person loses control of the activities of their bladder. Incontinence comes in two main types, urinary incontinence, and intestinal incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the most common among these. Urinary incontinence is also of many types, including urge, stress, overflow, functional incontinence, etc. This is a type of incontinence in which a person experiences incontinence problems under stress or tension. Stress, you are a victim of stress incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence can also occur when you experience pressure in the abdomen, such as when you exercise, laugh out loud or sneeze. It can leak due to a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. What are the causes of incontinence disease? The main cause of all types of incontinence diseases is a weakening of the bladder muscles. It can occur due to old age or an accident, or in women due to pregnancy and childbirth. Overweight and obes...