What are Botox Injections? What are they made from?

Botox Injection is a popular medicine for erasing the fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Botox is a popular non-surgical treatment to vanish the fine lines between brows, forehead, and look, close eyes, and neck. It is the popular name for a substance called botulinum toxin. Botox injection is still used for some medicinal treatments. It is well known for its application in anti-aging treatments for both men and women. When used for cosmetic purposes, Botox injections are used to reduce deep frown lines between the eyes. The injection is not intended to paralyze the face as some people think, but merely to relax the muscles and stop the patient from frowning or subconsciously grimacing, thus creating different lines and deep wrinkles. Botox Injection in Pakistan is widely popular asa non-surgical treatment to reduce all the fine lines in a different sensitive part of the body, especially in face area. The best dermatologist in Karachi recommend Botox patients that not to lay d...