Things to know if you are suffering from acne and acne scars

In recent times, skin infections are the most common and varied health condition that most of the people are suffering. Subsequently, it is evident in the report of 2013, which confirms that nearly 43% of patients visit a doctor with the skin issue out of all other major body parts. Acne This is the most common skin disease among all and is known to affect the oil glands of the skin adversely. Moreover, the infection results in various kinds of pimples that can degrade the entire appearance of the person suffering from this condition. Eventually, acne can affect a person’s overall personality by making a person suffer from scarring, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc. Acne scars When your body wants to heal itself from any harm, this is the situation when acne scars appear to be formed. The infection can even lead to dermis if there is an existence of a deep break in the follicle wall. The dermis is the layer of the skin which lies underneath many other segments...